About - Manual

Guide to Graphic Buttons

Morphbank is modular in form. The icons and various buttons seen in the My Manager interface work analogously throughout Morphbank to enhance the learning curve for users.

Graphic Explanation
camera icon Click this button to display associated list of images or objects (in the case of a collection)
FSIviewer icon This icon appears next to images in Morphbank. It is a link to the Bischen image viewer which offers users the ability to zoom in / out and move around any image in Morphbank. Via the zooming viewer, functionality to allow labels to be associated with images is under development.
information icon Click to show information (metadata) about this item. Standard throughout Morphbank and the resulting page is referred to as the single show page for the object (Image, View, Specimen, Locality,...)
select mass operation A powerful Morphbank feature. Some tasks on many objects can be done at one time. Use the check box to choose items to be changed. From the Select Mass Operation choose the task. An example would be to change the date-to-publish to "now" on many images at one time. For more on this, jump to My Manager Features.
rss feed icon Click this rss feed icon from any group record in Morphbank to create a link to that group's current images in Morphbank.
mail to Mail this object link to an e-mail address

Selecting this button will display the taxon hierarchy tree
add icon Add a new object or item (in the case of a drop-down list).
browse select check icon Select this object.
select check button search button
go button
save order button
reset button
Examples of various instructional buttons, that when selected, will perform the function displayed on the button.
abc icon Show alphabetically all taxon names stored in Morphbank.
edit icon Select this edit icon to alter data. This option is only available to those authorized users through login permissions. A user may edit any object they've contributed or submitted to Morphbank as long as it is not yet published (public).
annotate icon Select item to annotate. This option is only available to authorized users through login permissions.
alternate annotate icon Once an object in a collection has been annotated, the annotation icon annotate icon changes to this alternate annotate icon icon to indicate one or more Annotations exist for a given object. Click the alternate annotate icon to make another annotation.
* When this symbol is located next to the description of a user input text box, it signifies that the input information is required to proceed.
select check icon This icon is found next to fields where it is desirable/mandatory to select an entry from a list to insure accuracy. Click this icon to redirect to the appropriate list.
page scroll bar Page scroll bar. Arrow pointing left "advance to first page", first arrow pointing right "advance one page", second arrow pointing right "advance to last page", or select any number to advance to that page.
taxon hierarchy example Click on triangles in "browse" to expand or contract taxon hierarchy lists
copy icon Used in Collections and in My Manager -- Meaning: "make a copy of this object". This option is only available to those authorized through login permissions. Only collections/objects that are published can be copied.
delete icon Presence of this symbol indicates a user may delete an object. For instance, click on to delete an annotation in the My Manager, Annotation tab.
Releasing images in Morphbank for public view is easy. Images in Morphbank can remain private, viewable only to the User who contributed the image and others in that User's group. This calendar icon indicates a user may change the "date-to-publish" which extends the time the Image is private or allows the user to make the Image visible to all Morphbank users including the general public.
